Women of Temple Sinai (WoTS)
Click to Become a WoTS Member Online or Download the Membership Form (payment by check) and Download the WoTS brochure.
We are the dedicated women of Temple Sinai!
WoTS is a 21st century sisterhood that nurtures connections among the diverse women of Temple Sinai; embraces contemporary Jewish values through service, education, spirituality and social events; enhances the Temple Sinai community; and strengthens the voice of Jewish women worldwide through Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ)*.
To learn more about WoTS, contact Membership Co-Chair Carol Woolford.
…Educate & Serve
Offering social, spiritual, educational, and service programs.
…Build Connections
Establishing bonds among individual women; fostering an ever-widening network of relationships.
…Augment Temple Activities
Supporting relevant programs and offering programs that focus on women’s perspectives.
WoTS Spectrum of Programs:
From WoTS talks to local outings
- Monthly Rosh Chodesh Celebrations
- WRJ Chai Mitzvah Study Program
- Make ‘n' Eat cooking classes
- Matzah Brittle—have fun as we bake and sell goods to raise funds for youth scholarships
WoTS Mitzvahs and Congregational Support:
- High Holiday Card Fundraiser to support Temple activities
- WoTS Youth Scholarships that provide funds ranging from summer camp and trips to Israel for leadership training or immersive study
- Support Temple Sinai’s Caring Connection
- Assemble Purim Baskets for families in need
- Provide Hanukkah goodie bags for religious school students
WoTS Social Action:
- Co-sponsor Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM) programming with Brotherhood
- Encourage grassroots equity efforts through the PA Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC-PA)
Educate ourselves about community through WoTS Talks by local leaders
*To learn more about our involvement with Women of Reform Judaism, visit the WRJ Atlantic District.
Download the WoTS Sinai 75 Leadership E-booklet: A Look Back at 75 Years of WoTS & Sisterhood Leadership