We celebrate the creation of Jewish families and hope to assist you in making your ceremony unique and special. We know that Jewish families today come in many different forms. We encourage engaged couples to speak directly with one of our clergy in order to prepare for the ceremony and the marriage. Our Clergy can help you prepare for this wonderful, joyous occasion, by teaching the happy couple the meaning of the ceremony, from Ketubah (marriage document), to Kiddushin (Engagement) to Chuppah (Marriage Canopy) to Nissuin (marriage ceremony) to breaking the glass. We also counsel you, offering Jewish wisdom in preparation for a life dedicated to love and companionship.
The Temple Sinai community welcomes and celebrates the marriages of same-sex couples, and our rabbis are available to perform such ceremonies. Our community is also quite embracing of interfaith families. The clergy are available to talk through the options available to interfaith couples, and to offer counsel on your upcoming wedding and the home you plan to create.
When our members or their children are about to wed at Temple Sinai or elsewhere, we invite them up to the bima during a Friday evening service preceding their wedding, for special blessings. This is our communal way of celebrating with the happy couple.
For more information about Jewish weddings: The New Jewish Wedding by Anita Diamant.