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DisAbilities Inclusion

Our Disability Task Force was created in 2015 and since then has worked to make Temple Sinai more inclusive and to provide accommodations so that all of its members can feel welcome. If you have questions or would like to discuss accommodations, please contact Drew Barkley at (412) 421-9715 ext. 111. Read below for some of the accomplishments the Task Force has made in the last two years!


•    Magnifying Glasses & Fidget Toys available for services
•    Quiet Room available for participating in Streamed Services
•    Mostly Musical marketed as “Sensory Friendly”
•    Large Print prayerbooks available for both High Holidays and Shabbat
•    Visual T’fillah materials developed
•    Onegs include gluten-free options and sugar-free options, and food with nuts is clearly marked.


•    Developed and implemented strategic plan
•    Staff and Clergy received annual training
•    Board received annual training
•    Completed inclusion assessment
•    Greeters trained to welcome people with disabilities
•    Ensured that people with disabilities serve on the Board of Trustees
•    By-Laws and policies reviewed to ensure they meet our vision of inclusion


•    Weekly email newsletter revamped for easier reading
•    Website revamped for easier reading
•    Accommodation statement on all publicity
•    Membership Packets include inclusion statement
•    Membership Director is responsible for accommodation requests


•    Accessible spaces are used for educational programs and Board of Trustee Meetings
•    Board uses microphone at meetings
•    Secured architectural plans to make the Rose Garden accessible
•    Move the Sukkah to the front yard, until the Rose Garden can be made accessible

Religious School:

•    New multi-sensory Hebrew curriculum beginning in Kindergarten.

Mental Health:

•    Formed Mental Health committee

Sat, January 18 2025 18 Tevet 5785