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Adult Education

Our Adult Education programming provides members of our community with assorted opportunities to enrich their lives through Jewish learning.  Whether you're new to Judaism or Jewish concepts, or grew up surrounded by Jewish texts, there is always more to learn. Our approach to Adult Education is to meet people wherever they are and help them on the next steps in their Jewish journey.

Adult B’nei Mitzvah:Adult B'nei Mitzvah Class 2017

Experience the joy and awe of leading a service, reading from the Torah scroll, and teaching Torah as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. In July and August, students will learn to read Hebrew. From September to May, students will learn to recite the prayers in our service, explore what our prayers mean and the order of the service, and study their Torah portion in depth. Whether you were born Jewish or you chose Judaism, whether you celebrated becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah as a child or you never had the opportunity, this course is for you! Contact Rabbi Fellman for more information.

Torah Study and Parashah:

At the foundation of Jewish learning is the study of Torah. At Temple Sinai, we offer two weekly opportunities to explore the impact of the Torah on our lives. The Shabbat morning Torah Study session proceeds word by word from the first word of Genesis to the last word of Deuteronomy. The Wednesday Parashah class focuses on a segment of the weekly Torah portion (parashah).
Saturdays, 8:30 AM – 9:15 AM
Wednesdays, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Images of Rosh Chodesh meetingWoTS Rosh Chodesh Group - A Monthly Celebration of the New Moon

We meet monthly in members' homes to say blessings, study, and socialize. We are currently reading short stories by Jewish women authors such as Aimée Bender, Deborah Eisenberg, and Rebecca Goldstein. Click to learn about this monthly event.

Introduction to Judaism:

If you’ve forgotten everything you learned (or didn’t learn) in Religious School growing up and you want a solid overview, or if you’re interested in converting to Judaism, join others from around Pittsburgh in our newly updated community-wide Introduction to Judaism course. This course is taught by Reform clergy from the Greater Pittsburgh Area and covers everything from holidays to history and Jewish thought to Jewish food. 

Book Discussion Group
Led by Anne Faigen. Contact Anne for dates, times, and reading selection.  

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785