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Arthur Smith: "Reach: Hard Lessons and Truths from a Lifetime of Television" (Zoom)

Sunday, March 3, 2024 23 Adar I 5784

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Temple Sinai presents Arthur Smith: "Reach: Hard Lessons and Truths from a Lifetime of Television"

Arthur Smith will take us behind the scenes of dozens of piv­otal moments in sports and TV his­to­ry, includ­ing wild anec­dotes from names such as Mar­lon Bran­do, Gor­don Ram­say, Mag­ic John­son, Lit­tle Richard, Wayne Gret­zky, Simon Cow­ell, and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Through­out the book, Arthur illus­trates just how far you can go when you work hard, take risks, and reach for your dreams.

Free and open to the public. ALL ARE WELCOME! Invite your friends but please do not publish the Zoom link on social media for safety reasons.

After you hear his stories, you'll want to buy his book. You can find it at: Amazon 

Sponsored by Brotherhood.

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