Installation Of Rabbi Daniel J. Fellman & Cantor David Reinwald, March 24–26, 2023
Join us for a special weekend of worship, music, tikkun olam, and community as we celebrate the installation of our clergy.
Friday, March 24
5:30 PM Congregational Shabbat Dinner
Kosher menu includes: Mushroom beef, Lemon picatta chicken, Potato kugel, Rice pilaf, Roasted veggie medley, Spring salad with mango and red onion and sweet vinaigrette.
All items are gluten free although made on shared equipment.
Dinner reservations are now closed.
7 PM Shabbat Evening Service and Installation
Our Shabbat Evening Service will include special music as well as the installation during the sermon portion of the service. Rabbi Fellman will be installed by Rabbi Bennett Miller and Cantor Reinwald by Cantor David Serkin-Poole.
Oneg Shabbat following the service
Our Oneg tables will overflow with Rabbi Fellman and Cantor Reinwald's favorite desserts (hint: chocolate and fruity flavors). You will even get to taste some of their favorite desserts from their hometowns! Keeping with our commitment to inclusion, the Oneg will include gluten-free and dairy-free options, cheese, and fruit.
Saturday, March 25, 7:30 PM
Havdalah and Celebration Concert: Ha’tov v’Ha’meitiv—
A Gathering of Goodness in Harmony
Be our guests for havdalah and a celebratory concert directed by and featuring Cantor David Reinwald with musical guests Cantor David Serkin-Poole, Rabbi-Cantor Seth Adelson, Cantor Michal Gray-Schaffer, Cantor Stefanie Greene, Cantor Regina Heit, Rabbi-Cantor Jeffrey Myers, Cantor Julie Newman, Cantorial Soloist Sara Stock Mayo, the Temple Sinai Choir, Michael Sumague on violin, and Connie Rapp and Ellen Keeney on piano.
RSVP Below for All Installation Events
We've reserved a block of rooms at a nearby hotel with a special discount. Click here for details and to make your reservation.
Sunday, March 26, 11 AM
Community program of Tikkun Olam on food insecurity
An important Jewish value is helping those in need. With the assistance of our NextDOR students, we plan to make 150 bagged lunches for Light of Life Rescue Mission, a place where hope and healing meet for men, women, and families experiencing homelessness, poverty, or addiction.
Members of the Church of the Redeemer will join us at 12 PM for a light lunch and a presentation from community experts on food insecurity.
Contact Lynn Rubenson at with questions and to volunteer to set up and help coordinate the packing of the lunches.
New Hobbies, New Experiences, New Friends
An Online Auction in honor of the installation of Rabbi Daniel Fellman and Cantor David Reinwald
100% Online Auction March 16–26—Register today so you are notified when the bidding begins!
Our online auction features our clergy, staff, and congregants sharing their hobbies, talents, and businesses. You can bid on a Pirates Game or a Jewish Cooking Class with Rabbi Fellman; attend a concert with Cantor Reinwald or bid on the Cantor coming to your house for a sing-along. The auction features a family portrait from John Schiller, a weekend at Suzie and David Hauptman's cabin, a four-course dinner cooked at your home by Drew and Jan Barkley, a Mosaic class by Rachel Kudrick, and so much more. Fun experiences for families and individuals! You can also win a Year of Desserts made by different congregants by purchasing raffle tickets on the silent auction site. The auction will start one week before the installation; watch for the link.