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Next DOR Projects Final Trimester 2020–2021

Our students are hard at work this year in Next DOR. They wanted to share some of their projects with you.

Jewish Values through Children's Literature
Psssst….. Have you read any good stories lately? What were they? Tales of bravery and courage? How about ones about helping neighbors, animals, friends and family? Maybe you’ve been reading about peace, freedom and justice. This trimester we will be exploring Jewish values through the lens of children’s literature which can promote powerful messages and teach important life-lessons with simple words and beautiful images. Taught by Morah Alli. 

Click the photos below to view the presentation.



  Values Chart (click to see larger version)


A Trip to Israel 
Escape cold Pittsburgh and embark on a (virtual) trip to Israel! We will be exploring the cities and regions of Israel and learning about what makes each one unique. In “Israel” we will eat Israeli food, learn Israeli dances, and even have a Q&A with a real Israeli! Scratch your travel itch and embark on a trip to Israel! Taught by: Morah Haley has older kids and Morah Liora has the younger.

  Charlotte Landis made shawarma.

  Blitstein sisters made shakshuka.


What Is All This Stuff? 
So many of our families have shelves of things from parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, friends, and others that we have collected over the years. We use these things during Jewish rituals and holidays, or maybe they just hold value to us as Jewish people, but what do they all mean? Why do I have all this stuff? As the springtime holidays come around, this Chug will examine symbols related to these holidays. Students will have the chance to employ skills they are working on in ELA classes in school (at any age!), as well as to explore the things they have in their own home that they may have never looked at twice. Finally, students will be able to work to create their own artistic interpretation of each given symbol. Taught by Morah Sam.

Food and the Human Experience 
Did you know that food and plants connect us, as well as to the world around us? We will work together to help end hunger in our community as we learn about sustainable and equitable food systems, food, labor & inequality. Through learning about horticulture, cooking, and Torah, we will learn how food insecurity leads to complex health complications. We will be alternating planting and cooking every other week. Taught by Morah Steffi.

  Corn muffins made by Tomer and Ilan.

  Thank you card from the class to a food bank.

  The class grew seedlings.



Safta's Matzah Brie  

This was a recipe that her mother used to make this for her once a year, and that made this dish so special.  It was a Passover favorite because they did not eat bread during Passover, and she actually liked Matzo Brie more than French toast.  Whenever she made this recipe, she thinks of her mother and the love she gave to her.

Two pieces of Matzo
Two Eggs
Salt, sugar, jam to taste

1. Take two pieces of Matzo and run under warm water.  Break them into pieces.
2. Scramble the two eggs, and then put the Matzo into the egg mixture.
3. Heat butter.
4. Fry the Matzo Brie until desired doneness (Zayde likes it burnt…I like it light.)
5. Chose toppings of salt, sugar, jam, or a mixture.
6. Smile.

Grandma's Strawberry Biscuits
This was a recipe from her mother, Bessie Elaine Gloss (aka Nana). A photo below shows the recipe in her original handwriting. She recommends adding the 1/3 cup sugar to serve with strawberries. Add a couple of tablespoons of sugar to cut up strawberries and let sit for a short time before serving. Soon over split biscuit. This is one of the rare desserts that she had growing up.






Bubbie’s Chocolate Cake
This was from my great grandmother from my Dad’s side of the family. My bubbie loved to bake and really loved chocolate. Her mom, my great great grandma ida (who im named after) never used a recipe, so when it came time for my bubbie to start making it, she had to get a little creative to get the recipe just right. She used this recipe for special family gatherings.  

Skyline Chili
This recipe is from my mom’s side. The first Skyline restaurant opened in 1946 just up the hill from my great grandma’s house in Cincinnati Ohio. It was always a special treat for my mom and her siblings to go there every time they visited. When they moved away, they knew they needed to find a recipe to bring with them. Now every one in the family makes skyline chili frequently.

Shortcut—we usually get the below packets 
Cincinnati Chili Mix Packets





Attached images of our family heritage recipes that we made for Steffi's class today.  The first two show the start and finish of marinara sauce. Ilan and Tomer's great grandma loved to cook Italian food, but she never wrote any recipes down. She often sent containers of her tomato sauce to her children and grandchildren. This is our best attempt to recreate it.

The second dish is cauliflower cheese. There is kind of a joke in Ben's family that his mother rarely cooked, but she had a few staples including cauliflower cheese. It is a British dish that simply mixes a roux based cheese sauce with blanched cauliflower and then bakes in the oven.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784