Next DOR Projects First Trimester 2021–2022
Our students were hard at work in the first trimester learning about traditional Jewish foods, sports, literature, and culture. They wanted to share some of their final projects with you.
Sport-daica! Jewish and Israeli Athletics (In person): As Americans, we know that sports matter to Jews and non-Jews alike. But, which Jewish values align with athletics? We will set out to answer this question and more at Temple Sinai this trimester via kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learning mediums. "Sport-daica!" will be a fun-filled course where students will conduct a play-by-play of a sporting moment, research an Israeli Premier League soccer team, and participate in other immersive activities in order to explore Judaism's promotion of key elements of athletics such as caring for the body and establishing community. (Taught by Moreh Evan.)
Torah Tales (In person): In this chug, students will deep dive into the stories of our ancestors through improvisation, drama, and skits. Students will read and interpret Torah stories and midrashim to create stories of their own. They will strengthen their skills of reading between the lines, character development, narrative writing, and dramatic acting to interact with their Jewish history and community. Each lesson will give students a chance to act, think creatively, and reflect. (Taught by Morah Mikey.)
Jewish Values through Children's Literature (In person): Psssst…Have you read any good stories lately? What were they? Tales of bravery and courage? How about ones about helping neighbors, animals, friends and family? Maybe you’ve been reading about peace, freedom and justice. This trimester we will be exploring Jewish values through the lens of children’s literature which can promote powerful messages and teach important life-lessons with simple words and beautiful images. (Grades 4–6 taught by Morah Alli; grades K–3 taught by Morah Heather.)
The Test of Thyme — Romaine Calm! (Online): Food is everywhere, but what about it is a story? Do you love to cook or religiously read anything about food? If you’re not afraid of taking whisks, then this chug is for you! This class combines cooking, reading, and writing where we will attempt to uncover our own relationship with both food and the Torah. (Taught by Morah Steffi.)
NextDOR 7th Graders made cookies for a Bake Sale and raised $500 for the Children's Hospital!