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Membership Pledge 2024

What an extraordinary year of ACCOMPLISHMENTS & CREATIVITY we’ve had at Temple Sinai, and it’s all thanks to OUR INCREDIBLE COMMUNITY & SUPPORT FROM OUR MEMBERS. 

THANK YOU for making your 2024–25 MEMBERSHIP PLEDGE!

Consider HOW Temple Sinai MAKES A DIFFERENCE:

  • We welcomed 48 new member households.
  • Our Clergy are prominent leaders in the Pittsburgh Jewish community and continue to lead our congregation with warmth, knowledge, and compassion.
  • Tot Shabbat attendance increased by 400% — bringing together many new 
  • families in the spirit of Shabbat and community.
  • NextDOR enrollment continues to increase each year and has far surpassed pre-COVID levels.
  • Our students have benefited from attending grade level retreats and leading Shabbat services.
  • Teens have benefited from social justice experiences in Washington, D.C. where they lobbied legislators on Capitol Hill and the Deep South where they learned about Civil Rights history and racial justice. 
  • Young Adult (NextGEN) attendance and participation grew by 200%.
  • Brotherhood and Women of Temple Sinai (WoTS) continue to sponsor monthly social, 
  • educational, and cultural events such as our Passover Fair, Women’s Seder, and Kugel Cook Off.
  • Our vegetable garden volunteers grew more than 300 pounds of food which was donated to the JFCS Squirrel Hill Food Pantry to help those who are food challenged.
  • We created three new funds to support disability inclusion, the creative arts, and music.
  • Volunteers continue to cook meals and treats for our Caring Freezer, Onegs, and Shabbat Dinners.
  • Our Refugee Resettlement Committee has settled four families.
  • Our Tikkun Olam team wrote the most letters in Pennsylvania Religious Action Committee’s (RAC-PA) campaign for gun violence prevention and were a leader in the group’s voter registration initiative. 
  • Our staff has completed training in CPR, “Run, Hide, Fight,” and “Stop the Bleed” and continues to make your security one of its highest priorities.

Considering HOW Temple Sinai MAKES A DIFFERENCE IT’S NO SURPRISE THAT WE ARE A MODEL SYNAGOGUE RECOGNIZED FOR our Clergy leadership, staff creativity and dedication, music, social action initiatives, disability and inclusivity awareness and actions, tot and young adult engagement, education, and much more!

Consider HOW your pledge MAKES A DIFFERENCE:
YOU PLAY A KEY ROLE in creating this vibrant and engaged congregation through your annual Pledge. Your continued support and participation are directly connected to our ability to offer an enriching synagogue life that truly embodies our mission of inspiration, innovation, 
and inclusion. 

In today’s dynamic world, Temple Sinai provides a safe and caring place for spiritual respite and social engagement. Your generous annual pledge ensures that Temple Sinai can continue to serve and uplift our congregational community.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785